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Hayato Okabe
★★★★★ Garbage game.
Date posted : Thursday, Oct 24 2019
Translated by Google Garbage game.
A person who has been playing for 2000 hours. Anyway, the operation is incompetent. If there is too much difference in weapon power and there is a small fish weapon on your side, you are almost certain to lose. Nevertheless, the operation only adjusts like garbage. I also have a 4v4 battle, but the matching is garbage. It's a luck game because the operation doesn't try to improve matching. Also, Switch specs such as bugs and line drops are too trashy, and teleportation of squid is a daily occurrence. I am calling myself e-sports with this w Anyway, those who are thinking about purchasing should definitely not buy it.
Original Japanese review
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Hiroto Akira
★★★★★ If you want to change your life now.
Date posted : Thursday, Sep 5 2019
Translated by Google If you want to change your life now.
Everyone has written about the content of the game, so I will write it from a slightly different perspective. I bought this game around the same time as my marriage. It was around this time that my very gentle and kind husband began to rant while playing games. Splatoon is a team system, and if you win, thanks to yourself. If you lose, it's your friend's fault. It is a game that focuses on the stress and the uplifting feeling of occasional victory. Even though the winning percentage is not high, the uplifting feeling of the victory is addictive. However, losing is frustrating. If you keep losing, you will be sharp. I will do it until I win. I won't sleep until I win. it will not finish. And the problem is that there are more things to lose than to win. In other words, it's definitely more frustrating. My husband is Udemae X and the play time is over 1500 hours. I don't know how much it's worth keeping Udemae X in the game, but for at least 1500 hours, I was listening to my husband's rants beside me. That time was more than enough to cool my love for my husband. The newly-married life has become cold due to Splatoon. The gentle and kind husband became frustrated by playing games when he had free time. When I can't play games, I started watching play videos online. The conversation between the couple has also decreased. I no longer watch TV together. I don't even go out. The eyes that look at my husband have changed. I was scared to talk to my husband. I became scared when the tip of my spear turned to me. I didn't think that one game would change my life so much. "No, it's such an exaggeration." "Your husband had a problem, right?" "My husband, wife, and children are okay." If you think so, please buy it. It will surely give a detailed stimulus to your daily life. My home was destroyed by Splatoon.
Original Japanese review
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Kazuya Hirota
★★★★★ I wanted you to paint more ...
Date posted : Saturday, Aug 31 2019
Translated by Google I wanted you to paint more ...
The fun of painting that was in the previous work, the exhilaration of trying to deal with opponents with different abilities in strategy, and the feeling of wachawacha that the special weapons are ruining the place are all gone in this work. It will be a match that feels like painting the surroundings while defeating the enemies that you encounter as a whole, so it may be good for players who were moving with priority on killing in the previous work, but paint a thin area and earn points I don't think people who have contributed to the team by surprises from specials or hiding can enjoy this work. I'm sure Nintendo's intention to make such adjustments is somewhere, but personally I can't deny the feeling that the play style has been narrowed and the depth of the game has disappeared. As a player who enjoyed the first Splatoon as a "painting game", it was a work that made me uneasy not only about this work but also about the future direction of the series.
Original Japanese review
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Kiara Shiro
★★★★★ Let's give up Splatoon is over
Date posted : Friday, Aug 23 2019
Translated by Google Let's give up Splatoon is over
There are various problems, but it will never be improved because the development team does not have such technology. Those who are expecting to be improved someday ・ Those who are thinking of quitting the game ・You should never buy it
Original Japanese review
もう諦めよう スプラトゥーンはおわった
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Yusuke Oshiro
★★★★★ I wanted to have fun playing games
Date posted : Sunday, Jul 7 2019
Translated by Google I wanted to have fun playing games
When I was little, I couldn't buy a game console because of my family policy, so I had a strong admiration for playing 64 at my friend's house. I was wondering if I was a good adult, but recently I bought a switch together with this software. I was very impressed at first! The video is beautiful, and it's amazing to be able to play with strangers online in desktop size ... I was really excited. Although I was sometimes frustrated because I couldn't operate it well, I think I was crazy about playing up to rank 20. However, even if I play games these days, I'm thinking about quitting and quitting every day. One of the reasons, though many others have written, is that stress outweighs fun. As I played more and more, I became incredibly angry when I was killed or lost. I was wondering if there was a problem with my game skill or perception that I couldn't control my emotions like this, but when I looked at the reviews on the Internet, many people felt the same way. In addition to the personal nature, I think there are many things that depend on the game system. I haven't had much connection with games so far, but I don't want to say "games after all". I think that if you think deeply and devote yourself to anything, you can learn what you can feed yourself. (Although it's stiff ...) Actually, when I was playing Splatoon 2 but lost in a row or couldn't get around well, I tried to think about what was wrong with me rather than being frustrated, and I made a video of a good person. I watched and studied. I thought that if I got better, I could play more fun. However, the more I try to face the system of this game, the more my heart is broken ... I often get confused. For example: ・ Even though I participated in the Nawabari battle saying "Let's do this next time", I often end up being tattered by a person with a higher rank who is far from me without having to try it. There are some games that you end up with, and there are many games that you win somehow. If you're new to games and you're playing online, it might be a matter of course ... but you don't feel that your actions are involved in the results. The process of thinking → executing → learning from the results does not hold. This lack of virtue still produces more frustration than fun. (Of course, those who can enjoy this are not the same.) I think that those who are good will say, "I hope I can get better" in response to an opinion like me. At first I thought so, but as I held the controller like a duty every day, I suddenly returned to myself, "Why are you doing something that is not fun?" As I said above, when you try to dig deep into something, of course, it's not all fun. However, most users who play games are not professionals, but people of different ages and different lives. The games we offer to those people are addictive and tied up by "frustration" rather than "fun" ... I'm sad now that the games I longed for in the past were like this.
Original Japanese review
小さい頃は家庭の方針でゲーム機を買ってもらえなかったため、友達の家で遊ぶ64に強い憧れがありました。良い大人だしな…と迷っていたのですが、最近このソフトと合わせてスイッチを購入しました。初めはとても感動しました!映像もキレイだし、卓上サイズでオンラインで知らない人と遊べるなんてすごいなあ…と本当にワクワクしました。なかなか上手く操作できずにイライラすることもあったものの、ランク20くらいまでは夢中でプレイしていたと思います。ただ最近はゲームをしていても、もうやめよう、やめようと思う毎日です。理由の一つとして、他の方も沢山書かれていますが、楽しさよりもストレスが勝ってしまうという点があります。プレイを重ねるうち、キルされたり負けたりすると、自分でも信じられないくらいに怒り狂ってしまうようになりました。こんな風に感情がコントロールできないのは、自分のゲームの腕前や捉え方に問題があるのか…と悩んでいましたが、インターネットのレビューを見ると同じように感じている方が沢山いましたので、個人の性質以外にゲームのシステムによる所も多分にあるのだと思います。これまでゲームにあまり縁がなかったものの、「所詮ゲーム」などという事は言いたくありません。どんなものでも、深く思考し、打ち込めば、本人の糧となる物が学べるのだと考えています。(堅苦しいですが…)実際、スプラトゥーン2を遊んでいても連敗したりなかなか上手く立ち回れなかった時、イライラするよりかは自分の何処が良くなかったか考えようと努めたり、上手い人の動画を観て勉強したりしました。自分が上手になれば、もっと楽しくプレイできると思ったからです。ところが、このゲームのシステムは向き合おうとすればするほど、心を折られるというか…なんだかがっくりきてしまうことが多いのです。例えば、・「次はこうしてみよう」とナワバリバトルに参加するも、試す間も無く自分からは程遠い上位ランクの人にボロボロにされて終わってしまう事が多々・意欲的にプレイしてぼろ負けしてしまう試合もあれば、なんとなく勝ってしまう試合も多々あるなどなどです。ゲーム初心者で、オンライン対戦なら当たり前の事なのかもしれませんが…ようするに、自分の行動が結果に関与していると感じられないのですね。考える→実行する→結果から学ぶというプロセスが成り立たないのです。この成り立たなさはやはり楽しさよりもフラストレーションの方を多く産みます。 (もちろん、これを楽しめる方は別です)お上手な方は、私のような意見に対して「上手くなればいい」と仰るかと思います。私もはじめはそう考えていましたが、毎日義務のようにコントローラーを握るうちふと「なんで楽しくないことをしてるんだろう」と我に帰りました。上で言ったように、何かに深く打ち込もうとする時、もちろん楽しい事ばかりではないと思います。しかし、ゲームをする大半のユーザーはプロではなく、様々な年代の様々な生活をされている人々です。そうした人々に提供するゲームが、「楽しさ」ではなく「フラストレーション」による中毒性で縛り付けるものだとは…昔憧れだったゲームとはこんなものだったのか、と今は悲しい気持ちです。
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specially designed Nintendo Switch Pro controller and Nintendo Switch Online individual plan 1 month (30 days) ticket included.
If you subscribe to "Nintendo Switch Online"
using the attached voucher, you can connect to the Internet and play against players and online friends from all over the world in "Splatoon 2"
in Nawabari Battle or cooperate in Salmon Run. You can play and play.
Size name: 3) Pro controller set | Pattern name (type): Amazon limited benefits With stick pad
・ Set contents
・ Nintendo Switch software "Splatoon 2"
・ Nintendo Switch Pro controller Splatoon 2 edition
・ USB charging cable
・ Nintendo Switch Online Individual plan 1 month (30 days) voucher (free benefit) ~ What is Nintendo Switch Online ~ This is a paid service that allows you to use functions such as online play of Nintendo Switch software. Model: 2200630075425 (C) 2020 Nintendo
Nintendo Nintendo Switch Brown Splatoon Splatoon 2 Game controller Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Maroon