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Panasonic Single Focus Medium Telephoto Lens for Micro Four Thirds Leica DG NOCTICRON 42.5mm / F1.2 ASPH./POWER OIS H-NS043

Panasonic Single Focus Medium Telephoto Lens for Micro Four Thirds Leica DG NOCTICRON 42.5mm / F1.2 ASPH./POWER OIS H-NS043

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★★★★★ A lens for a lifetime.
Post date : Monday, Oct 28 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google A lens for a lifetime.
I was fascinated by seeing photos using this lens on the net. Of course, I don't think I can take similar pictures just because I used this lens, but all the pictures on the internet were beautiful and had an impact. To be honest, I never wanted a lens like this. But expensive! The neck is probably the price. I couldn't buy a new one, so if I was looking for a used one for a long time, I found a good unused one, so I traded in my 14-140 and could buy it for about 70,000. After all it is good! No matter what I take, it becomes a picture and I want to take more pictures! I want to take more and more pictures! !! .. It is a mysterious lens that makes you think. I've always fallen in love with lenses, so I decided to use this lens for the rest of my life. * The camera is GX8, and the image is taken from Jpeg.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ Warriors
Post date : Wednesday, Oct 16 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Warriors
Powerful image stabilization with Dual.I.S2 (depending on the body). The beauty of a metal hood that fits upside down in an ultra-compact manner. Regular / portable size and weight. The ease of handling the aperture ring (although only the Pana system works). And above all, excellent optical performance and good image quality and high yield due to focus accuracy / focusing speed. A high-speed electronic shutter that takes advantage of the depth of field and large aperture in a good sense that allows you to shoot from the open without hesitation. If you are using the Pana body of GH4 / 5 and G8 / 9/99, you should get it even if you force it a little. If you have an ori-type body, don't hesitate to use the ori 45mmF1.2 PRO / 45mm F1.8. If you have a compact GF / GX system or if you really want to keep your budget down, Pana's 42.5mm F1.7 is recommended. To be honest, I was hesitant to buy it for a while because of the price, but when I took the plunge and tried to buy it, I was impressed by the goodness of the image that I was worried about until then. It depends on the shooting of the day, but when I take out two or more lenses, I always put them in my camera bag and go out. Considering the frequency of use, I think this price is rather cheap. For me, who mainly snaps stills, if I have this 42.5mm F1.2 and Pana 12mm F1.4, I don't need a standard zoom.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
(ボディにもよるが) Dual.I.S2による強力な手振れ補正。逆さ付けで超コンパクトに収まる金属製フードの美しさ。常用/携行可能なサイズと重量。(パナ系しか作動しないが)絞りリングの扱いやすさ。そして何と言っても優れた光学性能とピント精度/合焦速度ゆえの写りの良さと歩留まりの高さ。躊躇せずに開放から撮れる良い意味での被写界深度の深さと大口径を生かせる高速な電子シャッター。GH4/5、G8/9/99のパナ系ボディをガチで愛用しているのなら多少無理してでも手に入れるべき銘玉。オリ系ボディなら無駄に迷わず素直にオリの45mmF1.2PRO/45mmF1.8を。コンパクトなGF系/GX系だったり、どうしても予算を抑えたければパナの42.5mmF1.7がオススメ。正直なところ、当初は値段が理由で暫く購入を躊躇っていましたが、思い切って購入してみたら それまで悩んでいたのが馬鹿馬鹿しく感じる程の写りの良さに感激しました。その日の撮影にもよりますが、レンズを2本以上持ち出す時は必ずカメラバッグに入れて出掛ける使用頻度の高さを鑑みると、むしろこの価格も安いとさえ思える。スチルのスナップがメインな私の場合、この42.5mmF1.2とパナ12mmF1.4があれば標準ズームは不要。

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★★★★★ It's a good lens
Post date : Sunday, Oct 13 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google It's a good lens
I feel like I can take a different picture than a zoom lens. If you like Pana's Micro Four Thirds, buy it. The price has also dropped a little. The focal length of 42.5mm is also an angle of view when you look at something you care about, and I think it's easy to use.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
ズームレンズとは違う写真が撮れるような気がします。 パナのマイクロフォーサーズが好きなら買いです。値段も少し下がりました。42.5mmという焦点距離も、気になるものを見つめた時の画角で、使いやすいと思います。

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★★★★★ Very good lens
Post date : Friday, Sep 20 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Very good lens
I've always wanted it, but I was hesitant because the price was high. I took the plunge and bought it this time. The image quality is excellent and I am satisfied with the purchase. Since the base is Olympus, it's a pity that the aperture ring is useless.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ Began to be interested in portraits
Post date : Monday, Sep 16 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Began to be interested in portraits
Only 6 months of camera history (including smartphone). I am currently using the OM-D E-M5 Mark2. I bought this lens because I wanted to take a picture of the main person. When I thought about it calmly, there was no model. I don't regret it once I bought it, but it's still expensive. Not to mention portraits, it's fun to take pictures of landscapes. Rather, I feel that the scenery is more fun. I often go out with this lens alone. On sunny days, 1/8000 is often not enough without an ND filter. After all, it is a shortcut for beginners to improve by relying on equipment (laughs) I am a beginner who does not know things, so I use photos rather than words. I hope it will be helpful as much as possible. Postscript I confirmed it only with the E-M5 Mark2, but since it is a large-diameter lens that goes below the bottom of the body, it may interfere with the tripod. Please note that it is not known for other bodies.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
カメラ歴たったの6か月(スマホ含む)。現在はOM-D E-M5 Mark2を使用しています。人物メインの写真を撮ってみたいと思い、このレンズを買ってみました。冷静に考えてみたらモデルがいませんでした。買ってしまえばそれほど後悔はしていませんが、やはり高いです。ポートレートは勿論ですが、風景を撮るのも楽しくて仕方がないです。むしろ風景の方が楽しい気がすrこのレンズだけで出かける事も多いです。晴れた日中は、NDフィルターがないと1/8000でも足りないことが多いです。やはり、初心者は機材に頼って撮るのが上達の近道(笑)私はモノを知らない初心者ですので、言葉より写真で。少しでも参考になればと思います。追記E-M5 Mark2でのみ確認しましたが、ボディ底面より下にくるほどの大口径レンズなので、三脚と干渉する可能性があります。他のボディでは分かりませんが、ご注意ください。

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★★★★★ You look amazing
Post date : Monday, Aug 12 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google You look amazing
I bought the Summilux 25mm f1.4 ii as a good lens for photographers who are not Pixel Peeper, but the focus range is narrow near the depth of focus, and sometimes I can't get close to this distance, so I took a picture. The combination of conditions is pinpoint, and I feel that training is required until I understand the points. If you get hooked, you should be able to take pictures that you can't get anywhere else. By comparison, Nocticron is much heavier, but the quality around the depth of focus is almost the world of painting. It's flexible and it's great no matter how you shoot it, and it's elegant and fascinating whether the exposure is weak, strong, close or pulled. Certainly, the price is more than doubled, so I feel it is exceptional.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
Summilux 25mm f1.4 iiもPixel PeeperでないPhotographer向けの良いレンズと思って購入しましたが、焦点深度付近でピントのあう範囲が狭く、またここまで近寄れたら、という距離に近寄れないこともあり、撮影条件の組み合わせがピンポイントという感じで、ツボがわかるまで修行が必要な感じがします。ハマれば他で得られない写真がとれるはず。比べるとNocticronははるかに重いが焦点深度前後のqualityがほとんど絵画の世界ですね。柔軟性もありどう撮っても素晴らしく、露出が弱くても強くても寄っても引いても気品があり見惚れてます。確かに値段が倍以上というだけのことはあり、別格と感じます。

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★★★★★ From the day I got it, Tokimeki Photo Life
Post date : Monday, Jun 24 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google From the day I got it, Tokimeki Photo Life
A natural angle of view when staring at it and looking through the viewfinder, 85mm (equivalent) that does not make people feel uncomfortable. I was surprised at the joy of blurring and the number of stars projected. It's so different! I bought the OLYMPUS E-M5 Mark II and thought about it as the E-M1, but even if I spend money on the body, the image will not be much different. I bought it thinking that it is decided by the lens, not the body. Micro Four Thirds users fully meet your expectations. From the day I got it, my crushing photo life. Even amateurs like me can enjoy it.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
じっと見つめて、さっとファインダーをのぞいた時の自然な画角、人の目に違和感のない85mm(相当)。ボケることの喜びと写しだす星の数に驚いた。こんなに違うんだ!OLYMPUS E-M5 Mark IIを購入、次はE-M1と考えましたが、ボディばかりにお金をかけても写りは大差ないでしょう。ボディではなくレンズで決まる、そう思って購入。Micro Four Thirds ユーザー皆さんの期待に十分応える。手にしたその日から、ときめきフォトライフ。私のようなアマチュアでも楽しめるのですから。

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★★★★★ I took the plunge and bought it!
Post date : Sunday, Jun 2 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google I took the plunge and bought it!
I've been wondering for a long time. I know the performance is good, but I was a little worried about the price (although it is a lot cheaper than the genuine Rights), so I could not get my hands on it ... And, "Rather than hesitating, I want to save time, so it's better to buy it. " When attached to the GX-7, the lens is heavier than the body. By supporting the lens with your left hand and operating the body, you can achieve a good balance. The depiction tendency of the lens is quite soft at full aperture, and it is just for "portrait". However, if you squeeze it, you will get a crisp, tight image. I felt it was heavy for a single focus lens for Micro Four Thirds, but Canon's full-frame 85mm, F = 1.2 weighs like a lump of glass, which causes tendonitis in the left hand. That's right, so this lens is light. With this, it is now possible to cover 14mm to 400mm (35mm version equivalent). Since we have two bodies, we have dual wield (second-class?) For wide-angle and telephoto lenses, and the conditions for footwork ... are met in the "photo". For the time being, I will concentrate on mastering this.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
 前から、ずっと迷っていました。性能の良さはわかるんですが、価格がちょっと(と言っても、ライツ純正より数段安いんですが)気になって、手をだせなかったんです・・・そして、「迷っているより、時間を大切にしたいから、買った方が良い」という結論になり、購入。GX-7に装着したら、ボディよりレンズの方が重いんです。これまでと異なる、レンズを左手で支え、ボディを操作する事で、バランスががとれます。 レンズの描写傾向は、開放では、かなり、柔らかな表現になり、正に「ポートレート」向きです。しかし、絞れば「キリリ」とした、締まった画像になります。マイクロフォーサーズ用、単焦点レンズとしては、重めに感じましたが、キャノンのフルサイズ用 85mm,F=1.2 は、まるでガラスの塊の様な重さで、これでは、左手が腱鞘炎になりそうなくらいですから、このレンズは、軽いんですね。 これで、一応、14mm ~400mm (35mm 版換算で)をカバー出来るようになりました。ボディも2台揃ったので、広角系用と望遠系用で二刀流(二流か?)になり、「写真」は、フットワーク・・・の条件が揃いました。しばらくは、これを使いこなす事に専念する予定です。

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