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ATTESA Eco-Drive Radio Clock Japan, China, Europe and Europe radio reception ATD53-2847 Silver

ATTESA Eco-Drive Radio Clock Japan, China, Europe and Europe radio reception ATD53-2847 Silver

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★★★★★ Was good
Date posted : Friday, Oct 18 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Was good
Easy to use. I did a good shopping. The product has arrived and the idea has been dispelled. Thank you very much. If there is another opportunity, thank you.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ We are satisfied and use.
Date posted : Thursday, Oct 10 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google We are satisfied and use.
He has spent more than 10 years with no wristwatch and cell phone. He didn't want to be worn in the summer because of heavy arms. However, the mobile phone has a frustration that waits for one tempo until the time is displayed after it is opened. So I bought a new watch that was light and inconspicuous. The metal band was adjusted using the adjustment kit purchased at the same time. I was a little confused until I swallowed it. In short, if you remove the pin, you can remove the frame, and if you know that there is a small pipe between the holes in the frame and the pin is inserted there, you can do nothing. I didn't understand it at first, where did this small pipe come from? What a puzzle ... Once you swallow it, it ’s easy to do. It seems like a scam to adjust the band for a fee at a watch shop. The weight after removing 4 frames is 78g. Generally speaking, it's light, but because it's been a long time from the watch, 78g is surprisingly heavy. The time adjustment by radio waves is not easy (or you don't have to do anything). If it lasts long with this, there is no complaint.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
かれこれ10年以上腕時計なし、携帯電話で過ごしてきた。腕に重たく夏にはかぶれるのが嫌だったのだ。しかし携帯電話は取り出して開いてから時間が表示されるまでワンテンポ待つまどろっこしさがある。そこで改めて軽くて目立ちにくい腕時計をと、本品を購入した。同時に購入した調整キットを使って金属バンドの調整をした。呑み込むまで少し戸惑った。要するにピンを抜けばコマを外せるし、コマの穴の間に小さなパイプがあってピンをそこに入れてツッパッテらせる構造であることが分かれば何のことはない。初めはそれが分からず、アレこの小さなパイプどこから出てきたの?なんて戸惑って・・・。呑み込んでしまえば簡単至極。時計屋で料金とってバンド調整するなんて詐欺のように思えるくらい。コマを4つ外した後の重さは78g。一般的に言えば軽いんだろうけれど、しばらく腕時計からご無沙汰だったからだろう、78gって意外に重い。 電波による時間合わせもあっけないくらい(と言うか、何もしなくてよい)。これで長持ちすれば文句ない。

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★★★★★ Smaller than I expected!
Date posted : Thursday, Oct 10 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Smaller than I expected!
It was good that size was a little larger. However, the name value and accuracy of Atessa are great.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ About the second hand
Date posted : Sunday, Sep 29 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google About the second hand
The hands of the second hand were slightly off because some people are interested
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
秒針の指針が少々ずれていました 気になる人も居ると思いますので

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★★★★★ Excellent visibility
Date posted : Thursday, Sep 26 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Excellent visibility
Visibility is high enough that there is no way to complain about “knowing time”. For those who are allergic to metals, it ’s a titanium material, and “allergy” is also highly rated. If you look at the product, you can't deny the cheapness.Surely it's `` simple is best ''. It's good to use.It's functionally perfect. I wonder? While maintaining this visibility, I couldn't get a sense of luxury a little, even though I felt a little unnecessarily, I bought it and adjusted the band myself (it was relatively easy) It may be possible to discover a hidden “something”, so it ’s easy to use it on both the corners and corners. In terms of visibility, you ’ll want to give six stars. Toughness that won't be shocked even if it drops The accuracy and comfort that fits perfectly and the second hand doesn't need battery replacement
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
「時間を知る」ってことに関しては 文句の付けようがないほど視認性は高い軽いし 金属アレルギーの自分にとって チタン素材で「対アレルギー性」も高評価ただ ホントに残念なのが実際に手に取ってモノを見ると チープさが否めない確かに「シンプルイズベスト」なことは認める使い勝っても良いし 機能的には申し分ないだけど もう少しで還暦を迎える自分にとって どうにも安っぽさが際立つ慣れの範疇なのだろうか?この視認性を維持しつつ もう少し高級感を出せなかったのかと 少し勿体ない気がしたともあれ せっかく買って バンドの調整も自分でしたことだし(割りと簡単に出来た) しばらく様子を見ようこのチープさに隠された「何か」を発見できるかもしれないから兎にも角にも 使い勝ってと視認性においては 星6個あげたいつけたまま風呂に入れる防水性かなりラフに扱っても 傷付かない丈夫さ 落としてもビクともしないタフネスさ何より ピタリと秒針が合う正確さと気持ちよさ電池交換要らずで 軽くて かぶれない私の欲しい全てが揃った少し安っぽく見えるけど 素晴らしい時計です

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★★★★★ Recommended for junior high school students
Date posted : Friday, Sep 20 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Recommended for junior high school students
I presented it to my son's birthday, which was less than a year before the junior high school entrance examination. "Limited to simple Arabic characters, good visibility for elementary school students, reliable in seconds, small, thin and light, not broken, no need to replace batteries, thorough practical watch with only clock function When I went to the internet and actually went to the store, there weren't many things that matched it, and I immediately made it the first candidate. I actually went to the store several times, and each time I saw it, I probably came to the conclusion that this watch is the best for junior high school students. Although it was not used much at first after the present, it was customary to wear a wristwatch based on the experience of looking at the timetable by looking at the timetable in the free action of school excursions, and just craming the time limit at the cram school I come to the stage to solve the problem and use it habitually. My child's back is a little higher than the middle in the class, but the belt is the shortest and seems to be just right. Since the actual sales price is more than 30,000 yen, it may be expensive for sixth graders, but it is natural even if elementary school students are wearing their arms because they are small in size and do not have a sense of luxury. Compared to games, amusement parks, restaurant expenses, mobile phone charges, etc. that are no longer necessary for students, this is an acceptable range. In addition, my child was good enough to keep using the pencil case purchased when he entered elementary school, so I thought he would use it for a long time after entering junior high school, so there was no hesitation in purchasing. Added August 15, 2019 The entrance examination said that the school chime and the one-second error were accurate, with the start time and end time of the test. Thanks to that, I entered the first school, and now I am in third grade, but I like it very much and I still use it every day.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
 中学受験まで1年を切った息子の誕生日にプレゼントしました。「シンプルなアラビア文字限定、小学生にとって視認性がよく、秒単位の精度が確かで、小さめで薄くて軽く、壊れない、電池交換の手間もいらず、時計機能だけの徹底的に実用的な腕時計」をネットや実際にお店に足を運んで探してみると、それに見合うものは以外と少なく、直ぐに第一候補にしました。実際に何回かお店に通い、その都度、手にとってみて、おそらく「中学受験生にはこの時計がベスト」の結論に至りました。 プレゼント後、最初はあまり使用していませんでしたが、修学旅行の自由行動で時刻表を見て電車やバスの発車時刻を調べた経験から腕時計をつける習慣がつき、ちょうど塾でも時間制限を争って問題を解く段階にきて、愛用しています。うちの子の背はクラスで真ん中より少し高い程度ですが、ベルトも一番短くして丁度よいようです。 実売価格で3万円以上なので、小学6年生には高価かもしれませんが、メンズの中ではサイズが小ぶりで高級感もあまりないので小学生が腕につけていても自然です。受験生には全く必要のなくなったゲームや遊園地、外食での出費や携帯電話料金などと比較すれば、許容範囲だと思います。 また、うちの子は小学校入学時に購入した筆箱をそのまま使い続けているくらいモノ持ちもよいので、中学入学以後も長く大切に使ってくれると思い、購入の迷いもありませんでした。追加 2019年8月15日 入学試験では試験開始時刻、終了時刻をつげる学校のチャイムと1秒の狂いもなく、正確だったと言っておりました。おかげで第一志望校に入学し今は3年生ですが、とても気に入っているようで、今も毎日使用しています。

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★★★★★ A gem filled with the basics of the watch
Date posted : Sunday, Sep 1 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google A gem filled with the basics of the watch
The time of the clock can be determined at a glance with Arabic numerals. Since the letters are written in black on the white board and the hands are black, the time can be read clearly. Although it is a radio clock, the main body is thin and light. In addition, it is a practical watch with no need for battery replacement with Eco Drive. The accuracy is good that Citizen is good at Perfex (JIS class 1 anti-magnetic performance, shock detection function, automatic hand correction function) and the second hand fits perfectly. There are many products that have forgotten the basics of the watch that knows the time because the design of the latest watch is prioritized, but this watch can be seen at a glance because the number is clearly entered and the function of the watch is sacrificed. Is not ... If you want a practical watch with a CITIZEN brand listed, we recommend it.
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★★★★★ Present to father in 70s
Date posted : Sunday, May 19 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Present to father in 70s
The previous watch was black, so it was popular that it was easier to see the time.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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