Hiroto Akira
★★★★★ eco Drive
Date posted : Friday, Sep 27 2019
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eco DriveEco Drive and Super Titanium are recommended points. Linkage with smartphones is not used. I think that the watch itself should have an alarm function. Light and durable, good charge and long time. It would be better to add a light function to check when it is dark, so I would like to recommend it to the manufacturer. It is one item that can be fully satisfied with the price.
Original Japanese review 
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Yusuke Ishikawa
★★★★★ I don't know the intention of smartphone integration
Date posted : Wednesday, Jun 19 2019
Translated by Google
I don't know the intention of smartphone integrationIt is a story to buy after investigating more, but it is not a smart watch, it is just a notification machine, it does not meet the requirements sufficiently, and I do not know what the intention is for working with a smartphone It is a clock. You can check the amount of electricity stored in the smartphone app. You can set alarms for the clock. You can set notifications. You can select from 4 to 12 hours, but the connection will be lost after that time. If the connection is lost, the notification function will not work. The notification sound is also small, so in a noisy environment you will hardly notice even if you receive a call. So the notification function is almost useless. Also, checking the amount of electricity stored will not work if the connection is broken, so the amount of electricity stored cannot be confirmed until reconnected. To reconnect after the connection is lost, the watch must be operated. Even if the connection is broken, it seems that the clock automatically reconnects once a day to adjust the time, so it is necessary to run the app in the background only for time adjustment. However, the notification function will not work unless the watch is connected. So, for me, it was full of feeling that I paid a lot of money for a simple Eco-Drive watch. If you want it based on the above, I'd like to purchase it.
Original Japanese review 
もっと調べてから買えって話なのですが、スマートウォッチでもなんでもなく、単なる通知マシンのようでその要件を十分に満たしていなくて、何のためにスマフォと連携しているのか、さっぱり意図がわからない時計です。スマフォのアプリで 蓄電量がわかります 時計のアラームの設定ができます 通知の設定ができます 他にもなんか機能がありますしかしながら、スマフォと連携できる時間には制限があります。4〜12時間で選択できますが、その時間が経過すると接続が切れます。接続が切れると当然通知機能も働きません。通知音も小さいため、騒音がある環境では電話がかかってきてもほとんど気づきません。ということで、通知機能はほぼ役に立ちません。また、蓄電量の確認も接続が切れていると働かないため、再接続するまで蓄電量を確認できません。接続が切れたあとに再接続するには、時計側で操作が必要です。接続が切れていても、1日1回は時計が自動で再接続して時刻合わせをするらしいので、時刻合わせのためだけにアプリをバックグランドで動作させておく必要があります。(スマフォの電池減ります)でも、通知機能は時計側で接続操作しないと機能しません。ということで、自分にとっては単なるEco-Driveの時計に高いお金を払ってしまった感満載でした。以上のことを踏まえた上で欲しい方はご購入されたらよろしいかと思います。
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