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★★★★★ I'm glad I bought it ~ ♪
Date posted : Tuesday, Oct 15 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google I'm glad I bought it ~
Even indoors, ISO 100 will be bright enough during the day. The bokeh was as ideal! [Addition] I didn't know that the flower of Gaku Hydrangea was so cute ️ Thanks to the macro lens ~
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ First interchangeable lens
Date posted : Monday, Sep 23 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google First interchangeable lens
The resolution is also high and it is very useful. You can take pictures even if you get close. It can also be used for landscapes. With an angle of view of 40mm, it can enter the brain directly without any discomfort. However, the focus is very severe, so I think a tripod is necessary.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ Recommended lenses that make shooting fun
Date posted : Sunday, Aug 25 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Recommended lenses that make shooting fun
Autofocus may be a little slower than other lenses, but it is a practical level. I am very satisfied with the image quality. I think the macro and distant view are quite good among lenses in the same price range. The bokeh is beautiful and you can feel like your photos have improved. I feel that it is a little bluish, but I think it is also unique and good.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ Nikon Single Focus Micro Lens AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f / 2.8G Nikon DX Format
Date posted : Thursday, Aug 15 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Nikon Single Focus Micro Lens AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f / 2.8G Nikon DX Format
There is another feeling in the lens break. When you focus manually, the focus often goes off just before you release the shutter. I wonder if this is the limit at this price. A little disappointing
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
Nikon 単焦点マイクロレンズ AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G ニコンDXフォーマット

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★★★★★ Get started with shooting figures, accessories and flowers
Date posted : Friday, Aug 9 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Get started with shooting figures, accessories and flowers
You need these lenses to shoot small things. It's also affordable, so I think it's a great introduction to shooting small things.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ Is it 35mm f / 1.8 or 40mm f / 2.8?
Date posted : Tuesday, Jul 23 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Is it 35mm f / 1.8 or 40mm f / 2.8?
The other day, I renewed this lens. Originally I owned the standard 35mm f / 1.8 and I was shy about macro lenses because I didn't understand them well, but I should have bought this lens earlier. I think there may be someone like me, so I would like to write about it. (Sorry for the long sentence.) ■ Who is this lens suitable for? Roughly speaking, this lens may be more suitable than the 35mm f / 1.8 for the following people.・ People who want to take pictures of food ・ People who want to take close-up pictures ・ People who want to take pictures with a beautifully blurred background ■ What is the difference between macro lenses and general lenses? That is.・ (In the case of compact digital cameras, macro mode is often installed, and in many cases there is no concept of macro lens in the first place), but in the case of single-lens reflex cameras, if you use a normal lens, it will exceed a certain level. If you try to take a magnified shot close to, the focus will be out of focus and the shutter will not be released.・ If you have a single-lens reflex camera at hand, try to get as close as possible to the subject and take a picture. If you get too close, you will not be able to focus and the shutter will not be released (= you will not be able to focus unless you move the camera away from the subject to some extent).・ With a macro lens, this kind of problem does not occur, and you can take close-up magnified shots as close as you can. ■ About the focal length of the macro lens I think it is this focal length that makes the macro lens difficult to understand. Macro lenses can be broadly divided into those with long focal lengths and those with short focal lengths, but these have different uses. -It is easy to understand the macro lens with a short focal length. Simply put, this is a lens that allows you to get as close as possible to the subject and take close-up shots.・ On the other hand, what is difficult to understand is a macro lens with a long focal length. This is used when you want to take a magnified shot while looking away from a distance in a case where you cannot get as close as possible to the subject (for example, when shooting a dragonfly). (* I think it's okay to zoom with a normal zoom lens, but with a normal zoom lens, if you zoom too much, it will not be in focus.) ■ 35mm f / 1.8G and 40mm f About the difference between / 2.8G And what was very confusing to me was the difference between a normal single focus lens and a macro lens. For example, comparing the AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f / 1.8G and the AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f / 2.8G, there are the following commonalities and differences. (1) Common points ・ Both have a single focus. (The focal length is fixed and the zoom by the lens does not work.)-Similarly, both lenses are relatively bright lenses (f value is small). For this reason, both are relatively strong for indoor photography, but on the other hand, you need to be careful about controlling the depth of field (range of focus). In addition, both lenses have the feature that it is easy to get a clear blur.・ Even if it is a macro lens, it does not mean that it can only be used for close-up photography. You can use it in the same way as a normal single focus lens (for taking landscapes and portraits, etc.). (2) Differences-The only difference is whether or not magnified shooting (close-up shooting) is possible. For example, the 35mm f / 1.8G has the shortest shooting distance of 30cm, while the Micro 40mm f / 2.8G has 16.3cm. Moreover, since this is a value that includes the length of the lens, in the case of Micro 40mm, it is possible to approach the subject up to about 4 to 5 cm in terms of the distance from the tip of the lens (working distance) and take super-magnified shooting. ③ Others ・ A tripod may be required for close-up photography with a macro lens. (Because camera shake is more likely to occur in close-up shooting.) ・ Actually, as I learned later, AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f / 2.8G seems to have higher basic performance as a lens. Looking at the verification results of the site called photozone, it seems that there is almost no distortion and it shows a considerable resolution around F4.0 to F8.0. ■ To summarize ... Of course, the optimum lens will change depending on the application, but in my case, I often take pictures of food indoors, and for this purpose, the Micro 40mm is overwhelmingly better than the 35mm. It was easy to use. The strength of 35mm is that it can shoot brightly (f / 1.8), but in reality, the depth of field is quite shallow at f / 1.8 (the focus range is very narrow). For this reason, for example, when taking a picture of food, it is actually necessary to stop down to at least f / 4. In that case, the macro 40mm is overwhelmingly easier to use because it is closer. Even though it's a macro lens, it's strong enough for normal snapshots, and it's no wonder that many people say that when they bought a Micro 40mm, they didn't have a 35mm lens and disposed of it. When I look at the Web, there are more buyers of 35mm lenses, but maybe there are many people who are a little shy about the word macro lens. I feel that. It may be better for many people to make this the first choice as a bright single focus lens option.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
35mm f/1.8 か、それとも 40mm f/2.8 か。
先日、こちらのレンズを新調しました。もともと定番の 35mm f/1.8 を所有していたことに加えてマクロレンズがよくわからずに敬遠していたのですが、もっと早くにこちらのレンズを購入しておけばよかったです。私と同じような人がいるのではないかと思い、書き込みさせてもらいたいと思います。(長文ですみません。)■ どんな人にこのレンズが向いているか?ものすごくざっくり言うと、以下のような人だと 35mm f/1.8 よりもこのレンズの方が向いている可能性があります。・料理の写真を撮影したい人・クローズアップ撮影したい人・背景をきれいにぼかした写真を撮りたい人■ マクロレンズと一般的なレンズの違いについて一言でいえば、超拡大クローズアップ撮影もできるレンズのことです。・(コンパクトデジカメの場合にはマクロモードが搭載されていることが多く、そもそもマクロレンズという概念自体がないことが多いのですが)、一眼レフの場合、通常のレンズを使うと、ある一定以上に近寄って拡大撮影をしようとするとピントが合わなくなり、シャッターが切れなくなります。・もし手元に一眼レフがある場合には、被写体に思いっきり近寄って撮影しようとしてみてください。近づきすぎるとピントを合わせることができず、シャッターが切れない(=被写体からある程度カメラを離さないとピントが合わない)はずです。・マクロレンズであればこのような問題が発生せず、思いっきり近寄ってクローズアップ拡大撮影ができます。■ マクロレンズの焦点距離についてマクロレンズをわかりにくくしているのが、おそらくこの焦点距離だと思います。マクロレンズには、大別すると焦点距離の長いものと短いものとがありますが、これらは使い道が異なります。・わかりやすいのは焦点距離の短いものタイプのマクロレンズ。これは簡単に言えば、被写体に思いっきり近づいて接写することが可能なレンズです。・一方、わかりにくいのは焦点距離の長いタイプのマクロレンズ。これは被写体に思いっきり近づけない(例えばトンボなどを撮影する)ケースにおいて、遠くから望遠しながら拡大撮影したい場合に使うものです。(※ 通常のズームレンズでズームすりゃいいじゃないか、と思うと思いますが、通常のズームレンズだと、ズームしすぎた場合はピントが合わなくなります。)■ 35mm f/1.8G と 40mm f/2.8G の違いについてそして私自身にとって非常にわかりにくかったのが、通常の一般的な単焦点レンズと、マクロレンズとの違いでした。例えば AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G と AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G を比較してみると、以下のような共通点と相違点があります。① 共通点・どちらも単焦点であることには変わりがありません。(焦点距離が固定で、レンズによるズームが効かない)・同様に、どちらのレンズも比較的明るいレンズ(f 値が小さい)です。このため、どちらも室内撮影などに比較的強いですが、その一方で、被写界深度(ピントの合う範囲)のコントロールに注意が必要です。また、どちらのレンズもボケを綺麗に出しやすいという特徴があります。・なおマクロレンズであっても、別に近接撮影にしか使えないというわけではありません。通常の単焦点レンズと同様に普通の使い方(風景やポートレート写真の撮影など)もできます。② 相違点・拡大撮影(クローズアップ撮影)ができるかどうか、という点だけが違います。例えば 35mm f/1.8G は最短撮影距離が 30cm であるのに対して、Micro 40mm f/2.8G は 16.3cm。しかもこれはレンズの長さも含んでいる値のため、Micro 40mm の場合、レンズ先端からの距離(ワーキングディスタンス)で言えば 4~5cm ぐらいまで被写体に近づいて超拡大撮影をすることができます。③ その他・マクロレンズでクローズアップ撮影をする場合には、三脚などが必要になる場合もあります。(クローズアップ撮影の場合には手ぶれを起こしやすくなるため。)・実は後からわかったことなのですが、AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G の方がレンズとしての基本性能が高いようで、photozone というサイトの検証結果を見ると、ほぼ歪みなし、F4.0~F8.0 あたりでかなりの解像力を示す様子です。■ まとめると...もちろん用途に応じて最適なレンズは変わるのですが、私の場合、室内で料理の写真を撮影するケースが多く、この目的では 35mm よりも Micro 40mm の方が圧倒的に使い勝手がよかったです。35mm の強みは明るく撮影できること(f/1.8)なのですが、実際には f/1.8 だと被写界深度がかなり浅い(ピントの合う範囲が非常に狭い)です。このため、例えば料理の写真などを撮影する場合には実際には少なくとも f/4 ぐらいまで絞る必要があるんですよね。そうなってしまうと、マクロ 40mm の方が近寄れる分、圧倒的に使い勝手がよいです。マクロレンズとはいえ、通常のスナップ撮影にも十分強く、なるほど Micro 40mm を買ったら 35mm の出番がなくなって処分した、という人が多いのも頷けるレンズです。Web を見ていると 35mm の方が購入者が多いのですが、おそらくマクロレンズという言葉にちょっと尻込みしている人が多いんじゃないか? という気がします。明るい単焦点レンズの選択肢として、本当はこちらを第一候補にした方が良い人が多いかもしれません。

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★★★★★ Usability is ...
Date posted : Tuesday, Jul 9 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google Usability is ...
I bought it because I could get a macro lens with high cost performance. However, when I tried to take a picture with a certain depth of field, I decided to narrow down the shibori. Then, the shutter speed has to be slowed down, and a tripod is required to suppress camera shake. At this time, there are many sites that refuse tripods because of the inconvenience of many people with high-end cameras. R's compact digital camera, which is always carried with me and can take macro shots, is easier to use and the image quality is as good as it is, so there is almost no turn.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review

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★★★★★ It was a very nice lens.
Date posted : Tuesday, Jul 2 2019

Google Translation Translated by Google It was a very nice lens.
I tried to attach it to the body NIKON D5300, but it is a lens that is easy to use because it looks great and can be quite close. Since it's AF-S, it has an AF sizzle, but I really like the photo quality. It was good to buy.
Original Japanese review Original Japanese review
ボディーNIKON D5300へ装着してみましたが、素晴らしい写りでかなり寄れるので使い勝手が良いレンズですね。AF-Sなので、AFのジージー音はありますが、写真画質はとてもお気に入りです。購入して良かったです。

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     Description (642 characters)
Lens type: single focus lens
F value (wide-angle side): F2.8
Lens composition: 9 elements in 7 groups Product introduction DX format micro lens with a 35mm equivalent focal length of 60mm. Caution (Disclaimer) < Please read carefully For confirmation of initial defects and explanation of specifications regarding this product, please contact Nikon Customer Support Center directly. [Nikon Customer Support Center] Tel: 0570-02-8000 Business hours: 9:30-18:00 Every day except year-end and New Year holidays, summer holidays, etc.
Dimension: ‎50 x 50 x 28 cm
Model Number: ‎JAA638DA



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Lens composition: 9 elements in 7 groups Product introduction DX format micro lens with a 35mm equivalent focal length of 60mm. Caution (Disclaimer) < Please read carefully For confirmation of initial defects and explanation of specifications regarding this product, please contact Nikon Customer Support Center directly. [Nikon Customer Support Center] Tel: 0570-02-8000 Business hours: 9:30-18:00 Every day except year-end and New Year holidays, summer holidays, etc.
Dimension: ‎50 x 50 x 28 cm
Model Number: ‎JAA638DA
4960759026316 In Stock
5 stars - out of 18 reviews